Developing research and innovation capacities of Latinamerican HEI for the analysis of informal labour market
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UFCG joins international consortium of studies on informal economy

The Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) participated last week, days 10 to 13, at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), in SP, in the First Training of Educators of the LatWork Project, a consortium co-financed by the Erasmus + program, from European Union, formed by twelve universities in Europe and Latin America, whose objective is to promote academic research related to informal work.


Among the topics discussed, are the main problems and challenges in the current context in the informal economy (uberization), the comparison with the European situation on informality, as well as the impact of informality in different dimensions, such as ethnicity, gender and social class. Currently, it is estimated that more than 130 million Latin Americans work in the informal labor market.


Coordinated by the University of Viña del Mar, in Chile, the consortium is formed by the University of Magallanes and the University of San Sebastián, in Chile, the National University of Rosario, the National University of the Coast and the University of Buenos Aires, in Argentina; Universidad de Alicante, Spain; University of Coimbra, from Portugal, and the University of Aberdeen, in the United Kingdom. From Brazil, in addition to UFCG, the Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) and State of Campinas (Unicamp) universities are part of the project.


The second Educator Training will take place at the National University of Rosario, Argentina, in April 2020.


See here the video presentation of the project.


More information about the project can be obtained on the project's website.


(Ascom UFCG)

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